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Welcome to the Revamped AAVP Website

AAVP has grown to include over 30 organizations all working toward ending violence in Anchorage.

Many programs focus on youth while others work to reduce violence by addressing contributing factors like substance abuse, poverty, homelessness, racism and other elements of inequities. Other programs offer intervention, education and awareness programming in attempt to help victims of violence while working to change the culture around violence. Many also help parents learn to talk to their kids about violence, provide bystander intervention training or help people learn to create safe places for everyone.

Each organization brings unique perspectives, skills and strengths to violence prevention which means that AAVP, as a coalition is able to approach violence prevention from a variety of points of view and aspects simultaneously. To better highlight the strengths of those that form the AAVP and to better engage the community with those strengths, AAVP is revamping its website.

If you would like to know who is a member of the AAVP, check out our directory . If you are interested in becoming a member, please email us at In the meantime, check back frequently for news, updates and interesting events.

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